Life’s Buffet

I’m starting to worry that people like me intoxicated more than they like me sober.  That’s never a good thing.  To be conditional entertainment.  Like if people hang out with me when I drink and have a good time, and then want to hang out with me during the day and they hate it haha.  How terrible.

I love listening to motivational speeches or reading self-help books.  I think those are some of the most interesting literature.  It’s just interesting to hear someone else’s opinion about how to do something, especially if it’s personal.  If there is something that I can learn that will help me change for the better, then that’s great.  I feel like the best thing you can do in life is improve yourself.  Become the best person you can.  And it doesn’t mean that you have live exactly like that person says/does.  You just glean a little information or secrets from that person.  There’s something to learn from everything you see/feel/hear.  Maybe even smell.  Ok, maybe not smell as much as the first three.

I think you learn something from everyone you meet whether it’s good or bad.  You learn from someone’s bad habits.  You get your heart broken.  You learn how to laugh and tell jokes.  These are all things you learn from hanging out with people.  It’s like a buffet.  You go down this huge line and you try a whole bunch of different foods.  Then you learn that you like pizza, but you don’t like broccoli (Sorry broccoli, you seem to be the bad example if all of my metaphors…).  There are things that remind you of pizza and things that remind you of broccoli.  And there are new flavors and tastes you’ll find throughout your life.  And then there’s those spicy hot wings that give you gas but you still love em.  And there’s time when you eat the uncooked meat and it gives you upset stomach/diarrhea.

It’s awesome to think that people constantly shape each other.

Who was the person that came up with the word abbreviation?  That person has a weird sense of humor.  What an hypocritical/oxymoronic word.  And why is oxymoron a word.  English is such a silly language…

One of the best thing you can do everyday is give a little of yourself emotionally to someone or something.  And if you’re not doing either, maybe it’s time to go hunting.  Or read a book.

Sometimes, I’m an abbreviation…

Thanks for reading

-The Fattest Man in Life’s Buffet


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