More Underwear Mysteries

.7% of American men wear their boxers backwards so when they poop, they can just go through the little opening and not have to pull their boxers down.

Yea…that’s made up. I think the more obscure you can make a something sound and throw in a prime number as the percent, you can get away with calling it a fact.

Pooping in a public bathroom is like God’s way of saying “you’re not as cool as you think you are.”

This week, I saw an old man jaywalk across a busy six-lane street. I didn’t see how he made it to the median, but he tried to cross the rest of the lanes at a terrible time. Literally like 100 yards away from a stop light that JUST turned green.  I’ve never really seen an old man try to run. It kinda looks like a villain sneaking up on someone. There’s an overall attempt at speed, but the main focus is staying quiet. It was like watching someone run in slow motion.

Its hard to accept when our bodies no longer do what our mind tells us we can and once did. That’s when I think its important to remember what you’ve learned through those experiences.

What’s more important: skill or knowledge? Are the workers who constructed the worlds tallest building more amazing than the mind who created it? We can think of backward-underwear ideas all we want but what is truly amazing is containing the capacity to bring an idea into fruition. That’s why I admire painters so much. Not only do I lack the skill to paint, but I lack the ability to conceptualize an idea.

Can creativity be learned?  More importantly, can it be taught?  Can someone teach me how to dig deep inside myself to figure out create an idea for a picture and translate it into a language my hand can understand?  Sometimes I have great ideas, but it doesn’t translate well.  It’s like my brain only writes in Chinese.  I need Rosetta Stone to figure out how make these ideas tangible.

Sometimes good things happen to bad people.  And sometimes bad things happen to good people.  But honestly, who doesn’t think they’re a good person?  Who says, “yea, I’m a bad person so I would totally understand if bad things happen to me.”  In reality, good stuff and bad stuff happens to everyone, whether they consider themselves good or bad.

Sometimes things happen and you can’t really understand why they played out the way they did.  Things don’t always work out the way we want them to.  But it’s important to realize that they aren’t failures; they’re just mysteries.  A failure only occurs once you have mentally discerned that you have been defeated and haven’t learned anything.  You’re not going to succeed at everything you do.  But to think that you’ve failed at something means that you got nothing out of it.

All you can do is remember the good parts and learn from the bad.  But most importantly…remember the good 🙂  Cause those are the parts that made you wonder why it didn’t work out.

I need Nancy Drew for some of my mysteries…

Thanks for reading.

– The Third Hardy Boy


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